Мои заметки: важные ответы Дугласа Грэма о переходе на сыроедение

Will I get gas from eating raw foods?

Reports range from no gas, to mild gas, to extreme gas depending upon the individual, as he/she transitions to the raw diet. Initially, gas problems may arise from an impaired digestive tract, which holds foods in little pockets of the intestines, where they may ferment or putrefy

and cause gas. Over time, this will stop, as the intestines heal. If the gas has an odor, it is generally from the putrefaction of proteins (cooked food residue); if it is odorless, then it is generally from the fermentation of sugar (overeating or high levels of fat in the blood). Long term gas problems on the raw vegan diet are generally correctable by being conscious of proper food combining, limiting fats and by not eating more in one meal than the body can quickly digest at this phase of transition.

Will I experience detox symptoms eating the raw diet?

Most people experience temporary and generally mild symptoms of detoxification from beginning the raw diet, as the body is no longer being overloaded each day with toxic residue. This is the body being allowed to cleanse and heal itself. The body is wise and will always eliminate toxins in a way that requires the least effort while doing itself the least harm. Detox symptoms that can occur may include tiredness, runny nose, digestive challenges, skin conditions, retracing phenomena, weight loss, drops in blood pressure, and other signs that the body is making a healthy adjustment. Each person is unique; therefore, the duration of significant detoxification will vary, based upon health, vitality and environment and the degree of commitment to a healthy lifestyle. It can last from days to years. We must also remember that we are in a constant state of toxifying and detoxifying. We absorb environmental toxins, and the body works to eliminate them. We ingest foods, even the best sort, and the body creates metabolic toxins as a result of its cellular metabolism. Not to worry, however, because we are equipped with an entire eliminative system, composed of kidneys, a liver, lungs, bowels and the skin, to rid ourselves of these toxins.