Whole Food Plant Based Dietってなぁに?

Whole Food Plant Based Dietとは、動物性食品(肉、魚、卵と乳製品)を一切採らず野菜・果物、穀物、豆類、ナッツ類そして種類(ひまわりの種とかかぼちゃの種とか)を丸ごと食べる菜食のことです。あれ、それってVegan(ビーガン)じゃないの?と思われている方もいらっしゃると思いますので、ここで違いをちょっと説明。


一方、Whole Food Plant Based Dietは、後々詳しく説明しますが、動物性たんぱく質や脂肪が体に最も大敵であり、癌、心臓病、糖尿病、自己免疫疾患などなどの病気の主な原因であると長年の研究で分かり始めたことから、それらを避けた上で更に健康になるために大地の恵みをふんだんに採るダイエットとして広まり始めました。ダイエットと言えば、主には体重を落とすためなど一時的に行うものですが、病気を予防するには一生続けていきたいものなので、最近では、ダイエットとは言わず、ライフスタイルと言われるようになっています。

日本ではもう知名度が高く、そして世界でも知られ始めているマクロビダイエットは、Whole Food Plant Basedに似ていて、お米も玄米を使うなど、季節の食物を丸ごと使います。でも魚は食べるそうなので、菜食から外れます。 

What are the types or levels of vegetarianism?

A: There are several “levels” of vegetarianism, or types of vegetarian. Starting from the most restrictive and working our way down, the types of vegetarian are as follows:

  • Vegan: Vegans do not consume any animal products or by-products. So vegans of course do not consume red or white meat, fish or fowl. They also do not consume eggs and dairy. Vegans do not use honey or beeswax, gelatin and any other animal by-product ingredients or products. Vegans typically do not use animal products such as silk, leather and wool, as well.
  • Lacto Vegetarian: Lacto-vegetarians do not eat red or white meat, fish, fowl or eggs. However, lacto-vegetarians do consume dairy products such as cheese, milk and yogurt.
  • Ovo Vegetarian: Ovo-vegetarians do not eat red or white meat, fish, fowl or dairy products. However, ovo-vegetarians do consume egg products.
  • Lacto-ovo vegetarian: Lacto-ovo vegetarians do not consume red meat, white meat, fish or fowl. However, lacto-ovo vegetarians do consume dairy products and egg products. This is the most common type of vegetarian.
  • Pollotarian: Much like the pescatarian, this “semi-vegetarian” diet restricts  meat consumption to poultry and fowl only. Pollotarians do not consume red meat or fish and seafood
  • Pescatarian (Pescetarian): While technically not a type of vegetarian, these individuals do restrict their meat consumption to fish and seafood only. Pescatarians do not consume red meat, white meat or fowl. This is considered a “semi-vegetarian” or “flexitarian” diet.
  • Flexitarian – A plant-based diet with the occasional meat item on the menu. These folks do their best to limit meat intake as much as possible and they have an almost entirely plant-based diet. This is not technically considered a “vegetarian” diet, but we commend the effort!


what is plant based diet

Whole Food Plant Based Dietってなぁに?

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