Tag Archives: raw food for kids

Raw Food Parenting Important Q&A From The Raw Food Family (Interview with Ka Sundance)

As you maybe already know, I am a mother of 4 years old son and I am a raw food mommy for more than 2 years now. Also I work with small kids and their mothers in Tokyo. I have two classes every month. One is for kids; I named it «Raw-Yummy-Tummy» and one for mothers «Raw-Yummy-Mommy». This is a big pleasure to work with small kids and I believe that raw food diet is the healthiest diet for small children.

If you are parent and interesting in raw food diet, probably you are already searching for some very important answers about vitamin B12, calcium, breast feeding and others. I had same questions when I started my raw food life and I know how difficult to find correct and right answers. So I decided to ask these important questions for you to my good friend and my teacher, Ka Sundance, of the Raw Food Family. He generously accepted this interview from his current family outpost in Costa Rica. The Raw Food Family is raising five raw kids and lives on a healthy, natural mostly raw diet since more than 10 years. They teach families about healthy nutrition for children, and publish frequently to their youtube channel. They eat mostly locally grown, organic food, and also fresh tropical fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, roots and other natural non-processed superfoods while traveling and living for extended periods in places like Thailand, Bali, Costa Rica.

Thank You Ka Sundance and The Raw Food Family for sharing your ideas about raw food parenting and for this interview!

Please watch this video interview with Ka Sundance and if you like it, please leave your comments and questions. 😉