Omega Tapioca (Raw Banana Chia Pudding)

You have probably heard how important it is to get enough essentials fatty acids (EFAs) in your diet. Some good food sources containing omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids include  flax seeds, leafy green vegetables and walnuts. Unfortunately, it is not always easy to obtain enough of these fatty acids on a daily basis. Recently, an ancient seed has regained popularity due to its high nutritional value – Chia seeds. You can now find Chia seeds online as well as in many health food stores in Japan.  The seeds are easily digested and do not have to be ground to be used. In Mexico, the seeds are mixed with water and a little bit of lime or lemon juice to make a drink called “Chia Fresca.”  Whole Chia seeds can be sprinkled on your salads or other dishes. Seeds can also be ground and mixed into smoothies. The seeds can be sprouted and used in salads. Also Chia seeds are soaked in water (for about 30 minutes) to form a gel. The seeds soak up to nine times their weight in water. Therefore we often use soaked chia seeds to make raw puddings. If you cant find chia seeds, you can replace them with basil seeds. I often use coconut milk to make this chia pudding, but it’s also delicious with nuts milk and seeds milk as well. You can add your favorite fruits, nuts, granola or chocolate, I often use simply bananas. This short video below showing how I make it and you will surprise how similar it looks to tapioca. I named it Omega tapioca, because it looks like tapioca and has a lot of Omega 😉