How To Live Long? Japanese Happy Healthy Long Life Secrets ❤ 100歳まで生きたいですか?

I want to share our gladness, this month we had a Birthday party of our grandmother, 90 years old! She is so healthy and looks amazing for her age. She can speak, hear, walk, eat, meet with friends, go out for walk, go to museums and shopping. What a secret she has to be so healthy in her 90s? She is able to walk, eat, hear, speak and go for shopping with friends. Well, she didn’t use any cosmetic, no sport, no big sickness, worked hard all her life from 15 y.o.! She had happy, but not easy life with stress and drama. Her secret is not only a food, but also her a very positive thinking, she always smile and laugh a lot. You can easy to see how nice person she is in this short interview I took at the party. Sorry, this video is not about raw food at all, but its about Japanese traditional food, which was destroyed after World War 2. So she is one of those long life Japanese people, who was born before war and didn’t eat any bad and junk food. I hope you will like this video and if so, please don’t forget to leave some comments below. Thank you so much!

With Love from Japan!

Tonya Ogino