Raw Food Restaurant in Tokyo “Rainbow” ❤ レインボー・ローフード

How are you? I hope you are fine and raw food makes you happy and healthy! Today I want to share with you our second video from our project “Raw Food Restaurants in Tokyo”. We are planning (me and my friends) to visit all raw food restaurans, juice bars and other healthy shops and markets in Tokyo and near Tokyo. We want to show you what we have here in Tokyo and how we can live and enjoy our raw vegan life here in Japan 🙂

This video we made at the “Rainbow Raw Food” restaurant, which is near Ebisu station. They moved to Ebisu around month ago, its a very popular place for vegans and foreigners. This place is also popular becouse one japanese fortune teller works there (you can find him in this video behind our table) :))  Rainbow has english menu and also english website: rainbowrawfood.com  I think this restaurant is very simple and cheaper than others. There is a nice Hawaii design and music. You can find a lot of nice books about healthy lifestyle here (english and japanese). Also you can buy raw chia seeds. Menu is very simple, so if you are a raw vegan with long experience and interesting in raw gourmet food, maybe you will not very exiting, but anyway its so nice to have a chance to enjoy with living food and your friends outside sometimes ; )

If you like this video, please “like” it and we will be so happy if you leave a comment 😉 If you want to join us next time, please free to contact me 😉